Today I met with Col.Bourne again to have another campaign game. It’s the first game in the new year for me, so for some unknown reason it was twice as interesting to see how that would unfold....Read More
Time to do a little Thirty Years War game again, right? Yes, always. Especially now, that all those battles of the time are having their 400th anniversary there’s plenty of opportunity to do so....Read More
For over two years Col.Bourne (of The Lead Poet Society blog fame) and I have been in talks of playing a Chain of Command pint-sized campaign. The time has come, and we had our first game! ...Read More
First Sharp Practice game of the year, and once again Cpt.Shandy has outdone himself with the scenario. It’s a tricky one he’s currently playtesting for a mini campaign set in Traisen Vall...Read More