Believe it or not, but I’m old. Other things which are old: Democracy, Sting (which ever one you prefer) and crude oil. Three things without which we wouldn’t be where we are now, f...Read More
Heyhey, let’s have a look at another new rules set, shall we. It’s been a while since the last review of sci-fi rules, and many would argue that this one’s much more fantasy than sci...Read More
Yet another Sharp Practice battle report! Yeah, I’m too sluggish to organize games these days. Thankfully, Cpt.Shandy is not. He keeps coming up with new scenarios. This one deals with a skirmis...Read More
Today I met with Col.Bourne again to have another campaign game. It’s the first game in the new year for me, so for some unknown reason it was twice as interesting to see how that would unfold....Read More
Time to do a little Thirty Years War game again, right? Yes, always. Especially now, that all those battles of the time are having their 400th anniversary there’s plenty of opportunity to do so....Read More