By now you’re probably familiar with my Chain of Command gaming. About twice a year, in 15mm, usually with Virago. Now something happened to break this behavior....Read More
After a long time we (Virago and I) finally got our Italian and Indian platoons on the table for a classic, but oft-forgotten face-off in Northern Africa, late 1940....Read More
Every now and then we have a special seasonal game. So, with a little pride, I present you with a battle report of this year’s Halloween game....Read More
Pretty much ever since Chain of Command was released Virago and I were throwing around ideas for how to apply these rules to Warhammer 40,000....Read More
In the following game we decided to give the vehicle rules a try, so we set up a game in which the regular forces are swapped for mostly vehicles to play an engagements which didn’t only look very p...Read More